Tuesday, December 29, 2009

That's my story and I'm stickin to it!!!!

There are 3 kinds of stories we tell ourselves that get us into trouble! There is the "victim"story, the "villain"story and the "helpless" story. Maybe with the new year coming up we can see if we tell ourselves these stories and if so, make an effort to quit and have better communication.
1) Victim Story-"It's not my fault" this is when we don't take responsibility for the things that we do or say and just throw blame on someone else. Remember that we can ONLY change ourselves so blaming others for how WE feel is pointless. Don't give others that kind of POWER over you.
2) Villain Story--"It's all your fault!" This makes us feel better about outcomes because, again, we don't take responsibility for our own actions. Stop looking for others to blame.
3) Helpless Story--" I can't do anything about it so why try?" There is always something you can do about a situation because you are in control of how YOU handle it.
We see or hear something and then we tell ourselves a story. For example, if you see someone weaving in and out of traffic, you tell yourself some kind of story-- That guy's an idiot! or that guy must be drunk! or that guy might be headed for the hospital for an emergency! In all of these cases you really have no idea why that guy is weaving in and out of traffic so you filled in the blank with a story. After you tell yourself a story, your feelings kick in; either anger, frustration or maybe concern. Depends on the story you told yourself. Then comes the actions. Maybe speed up and cut the guy off cause he deserves it or get mad and take it out on your loved ones when you get home.See? You control the outcome because YOU control the stories you tell yourselves. So next time something happens and you don't have all the facts, don't fall into the trap of making up a story. Give the person a break and you will keep yourself from much misery of miscommunication. Happy day!
Thought for the day: "When a man is all wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package"

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was very crazy and fun at my house this year. All of the kids, along with my mom and Mike, and Lorin Fuel (Elisha's dad) came to the Christmas Eve party. It was so fun, especially the naivety scene with the kids. A favorite part of mine is when we all tell what we are grateful for. Then all of the kids and their families, except Jake and Megan, slept over. So fun! Christmas was a great family time and I am so grateful for my family and how much fun we have together. After Christmas is kind of difficult because it's hard to come to a screeching halt when you are so use to being insanely busy with school and Christmas activities. I am going to try and savor every minute of down time because January 6th 2010 and my last semester of school will come soon enough. It will be exciting to see what the new year brings! I hope it brings, health, happiness and peace to you all. Happy Day!
Thought for the day:The future is as bright as your faith.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I am sitting in the UVU library(my home away from home) with 2 finals today and then I am done with this semester! Hallelujah!!! I have learned a lot this semester but it's been a pretty tough one to keep on top of because of research papers,general paperwork, and out of school hours. One of my finals is my mediation class which I really learned a lot from. We read a book called, "Crucial Conversations" which I highly recommend. One of the things it talks extensively about is when you are in conversation with someone and it starts to get heated because you want them to agree with you( BECAUSE YOU ARE RIGHT OF COURSE) you need to take a deep breath, step back and ask yourself a very important question. What do I really want? Do you HAVE to be right? Or do you want to keep a healthy happy relationship with that person? Every person deserves respect in conversation even when we don't agree! Sometimes we talk to the people we love the most in the most degrading and harmful ways. No person should be treated as our own whipping post just because we are having a bad day. Just remember that one of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears--by listening to them. Since communication seems to be such a problem in marriages and family relationships, I really think this book is a great tool to sharpen your skills. OK, enough about the book! Now it's on to Christmas which is next week! Oh My Gosh!!! I hope everyone is in the holiday mode and enjoying it to the fullest! It's certainly a beautiful time of year! Love to you all and as always---Happy Day!
Thought for the Day: "Adversity introduces a man to himself."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ho Ho Ho? or HUMBUG?!!

One of the things I enjoy doing during the Christmas Holidays is People Watch! I find it fascinating that people tend to react to the holidays in one of two ways; ho ho ho or humbug. During the hustle and bustle of the season it's easy to get a little frustrated with so much to do.Kids seem to be on one extended sugar high as they bounce off the walls and hang from the rafters in their excitement and enthusiasm. Traffic seems to be at a constant standstill as people jockey for positions in parking lots and freeways. Just remember the next time that someone cuts you off on the highway or your kids don't seem to listen as well as usual, that you have been there before and done the same thing. Christmas is a magical time that we are suppose to enjoy and if you aren't, what are YOU doing to stop yourself from enjoying it? During the last conference, Elder Richard G. Scott said the following, "The inspiring influence of the Holy Spirit can be overcome or masked by strong emotion, such as anger, hate, passion, fear, or pride. When such influences are present, it is like trying to savor the delicate flavor of a grape while eating a jalapeno pepper. Both flavors are present, but one completely overpowers the other."
Let's give ourselves a break and remember what the season is all about.Take a deep breath, change your attitude, and pray for the spirit of the season to attend you. It will make all the difference. Happy Day!!!
Thought for the day:
"The Art of being wise is the Art of knowing what to overlook."

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Not a Fan of the COLD!

I figured that would get your attention since I have been telling everyone that I LOVE winter and all it entails! And that's true! I love the snow and the frigid temps, seeing your breath, drinking hot chocolate, sitting by the fire and wrapping up in a warm blanket! I love it all! So what is the deal about not being a fan of the cold? Ok, so I'm NOT a fan of sitting in the UVU library trying to study for finals while my nose looks like Rudolph because I have to wipe it every 2 minutes! I can't turn off the faucet in my face! And I do not need the Kleenex company telling me that if you use THEIR brand, it's gentle on your nose. R U kidding? Santa could call me up tonight and I could be his beacon in the fog. I have figured out that Rudolph wasn't born with a shiny red nose out of the blue, he was born with a runny nose that his mom had to wipe and it became a BIG RED SHINY NOSE that is so popular today! And the aches and pains that come with the common cold? There is nothing common about feeling like you have been run over by a semi! And the best part is not being able to breath out of 1 nostril because it is locked up tight! Love THAT feeling! I guess it's better than having them both plugged at the same time which does happen frequently. How are you suppose to eat and breath out of your mouth at the same time? Still working on that one.Then, hallelujah, you are finally able to breath again with the help of nose spray which you have to inject several times because you are so plugged up that it runs right back out with the rest of the "stuff" that you have been wiping all day.( You realize that cocking your head back for a few minutes works but gets you funny looks at the library!) And trying to study while your head feels like it's being slowly squeezed in a vise thanks to those swollen sinuses is a kick! That's really gonna help your concentration! Trying to sleep at night is the BEST, because you get the opportunity to lie in bed and try not to think of your pounding head, achy body, swollen and runny nose, and the fact that you can't breathe. No problem, I'll count sheep or my blessings or how many more Kleenex's I'll need tomorrow or...........! Happy Day! Life is good! :)
Thought for the day: Mother's of teenagers know why animals eat their young.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Our family is going through some challenges lately. As I was studying my scriptures the other night, I came across a talk given by Dallin Oaks that was comforting. He said,"A sense of gratitude enables us to see our hardships in the context of our purpose here on earth. We are sent here to be tested. Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain." So the moral of the story is that THE LORD LOVES US A LOT! :)
Hope everyone is well and loving the snow and crispness of the season!! I love it!! Finals are next week and I can't believe another semester will be over. Yipee! Happy Day!
Thought for the day: The more we dwell on what we don't want, the more of it we create. Whether positive or negative, that which is focused on will expand.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Attention Christmas Shoppers!

Thoughts for the day:
Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

Ha Ha Ha! Getting ready for finals and needed a chuckle! Happy day! :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes

"I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and think, 'Well, that's not going to happen." Happy day! :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Yipee, it's DONE!

I can't begin to explain the relief I feel now that I have finished my 15 page research paper! I have been gathering information for a couple of months and haven't had the time to sit down and write it. I have been here at the UVU library since 8:30 this morning and it is 2:00pm and I am finished! 5 1/2 hours! I now send it to my brilliant editor(for those of you who don't know, that would be my leetle daughter, Jess) My professor told me to give my editor a hug on my last paper because she did such a great job. And that was before he knew it was my daughter who was the editor! Great compliment coming from him.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving--now on to Christmas and fudge and food and Christmas songs and Christmas lights and... you get the picture, I LOVE CHRISTMAS! The only thing missing is SNOW but it will come, I am willing it here! :)
Happy day!
Thought for the day:
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, prepare to die."- Klingon Proverb, Star Trek(for all you Trekkie's!) :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So you all know that I took the GRE last Friday. I was ill prepared to take it because I didn't have the time to study for it like I needed but I bit the bullet and took it anyway. Let's just say that if it were a boxing match, it was a KNOCKOUT in the first round and the GRE won! One of life's greatest lessons is that you sow what you reap. I take full responsibility for reaping a butt whoopin! Just because I didn't realize that I needed to take the GRE for my grad school program until it was too late to make the necessary preparations for it doesn't mean I should be able to get away from the consequences. Oh well! I do appreciate all of you that prayed for me. Actually it really helped because instead of throwing myself in front of a bus afterward, I went to the temple, grateful that it was over. AND I have a very peaceful feeling that everything is going to be ok. I don't necessarily know what that means, but I do know that the Lord knows what is best. I shall move forward and continue to do my best. Who knows what life has in store for me. I am still going to apply for grad school and eat my very large elephant (school work) one bite at a time. I said that just for you, Jess, cause I know how much you love my elephant analogy! :) Happy Day!!!
Thought for the day:
Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

Things I have learned in Behavioral Science--We all celebrate the holidays differently!
1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?
2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Queens Disoriented Are
3. Amnesia --- I Don't Know if I'll be Home for Christmas
4. Narcissistic --- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
5. Manic --- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and Fire Hydrants and ...
6. Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Get Me
7. Borderline Personality Disorder --- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
8. Full Personality Disorder-- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll tell You Why
9. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ---Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells ...
10. Agoraphobia --- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day But Wouldn't Leave My House
11. Oppositional Defiant Disorder --- I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus So I Burned Down the House
12. Social Anxiety Disorder --- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas while I Sit Here and Hyperventilate.
I hope this gives you all a chuckle! Happy Day!
Thought for the day!
I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

It's 7am and I'm in the library at UVU. Glad to be back. Is it me or is it ironic that I have been praying for snow and it snowed TWICE while I was in San Francisco? Ahhhh! It's off to a running start as I head toward Friday--and the GRE test. Need lots of prayers from ya'll if you would please. All I can do is my best and not worry about it so onward and upward. Love this time of year and hope everyone is thankful for the many blessings we all have because we are definitely a blessed people! Choose to have a great week! Happy day!
Thought for the day:
Never mistake motion for action.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

San Francisco

Saturday morning in San Francisco. Been informative trip. Miss home. Thanks to everyone who sent me a birthday wish on Wednesday! I sure appreciated it. I still love birthdays even when it makes me older. I bought a piece of chocolate cake from Safeway and ate it so I didn't miss my chocolate fix. Hope everything is going well with ya'll ! Home tomorrow. Happy day!
Thought for the day:
Courage is not the absence of fear; it is taking action in the face of it!

Beautiful words are not always truthful-Truthful words are not always beautiful!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Sometimes when things pile up to a point of being totally overwhelming you just need a good meltdown! That was my day yesterday and I just wanted to go home and have a good cry! The days are getting shorter but it seems like the hours in the day are getting shorter too. Maybe it has something to do with being "over the hill" and accelerating on the downhill side. hmmmmm! So much to do and so little time to do it, especially this semester. Ok, I know, I know, this IS my fault because I bit off a lot this semester so I'm not complaining--just venting. Just got done with my law test and I'm heading to San Francisco tomorrow for the National Convention on Family Relations. When I get home I have a 15 page paper to write and I take the GRE test on the 20th of this month. Looks like I will be praying A LOT and I could definitely use your prayers too. The Lord continues to bless me sooo much and I just need to take a deep breath and enjoy the journey right? Whew, I feel much better! Happy day!!!!
Thought for the day:
"I don't know the key to success but I know the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
"- Bill Cosby (1937-).
Being 'over the hill' is much better than being under it!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Lots of homework to do so only have time for my famous
Thought of the Day:
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Happy Day!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

You Can Do It!

So many times in our lives we need to change certain things so that we can progress but we procrastinate because of fear. Fear that it will hurt, fear that it won't work out the way we want, or fear of going outside of our comfort zone. If you are in this situation (as I think we all are in one way or another), just ask yourself one question, "What would be the worst case scenario and if that happened would I live through it?" The answer is YES you would survive! I think that not trying can be crippling and keep us in a state of limbo where we don't progress. It is my belief that no one just stays in one place. We are in a constant state of motion and it you aren't progressing forward you are regressing backward. If you do try and it doesn't work out at least you KNOW that you tried! That in itself is progress because you learn from each experience. If you try and it does work out then good for you! You did it!!! If you think about it you progress either way because of what you learned. I remember when the prophet Spencer W. Kimball came out with his famous saying of "Do It!" What great advice to follow!! What are you waiting for? Time is going by way to fast to waste it on FEAR! Our Heavenly Father wants us to succeed but we need to ask for His help and have Faith.
Remember that the kite rises against, not with the wind! Happy Day!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I sure hope everyone has taken the time to experience the absolutely incredible full moon lately. The last couple of mornings I have been on my way to school between 6am and 6:15am and the moon has been huge in the western sky. It has been huge in the eastern sky and is beautiful as it comes over the mountains at night too!! Wow, to see the moon coming AND going is awesome!!!
Yesterday was the Adoption Conference that we put on at UVU. The Behavioral Science/Family Studies Dept.put it together. Kiara and I were on the committee. It was a lot of work but a success. Micheal Mclean was our featured speaker and sang several songs from his book and DVD "From God's Arms to My Arms to Yours." It was a tear jerker! He is such a nice down to earth man. We also had seminars ongoing on from 9-4. I Glad it's over but was a great experience to see so many people touched in such an intimate way whether they were adoptive parents, birth parents, or anyone in between. Now back to homework! Heading to San Fransisco for the NCFR Conference next Wed. and there is a lot to do before then. Hope you are enjoying this wonderful weather and beautiful fall days. I know that I am but ,yes, I am praying for SNOW!!! :)
Thought for the day:
If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."

Friday, October 30, 2009

Open Mouth-Insert a foot (or two)

Yesterday I was eating lunch with Jess and afterward saw President Holland in the cafeteria. I went over and introduced him to Jess by saying, "this is my youngest daughter, Jamie." So all of you know that this did NOT go over well with Jess and I will never live it down. I do however think Pres. Holland got a kick out of it. :) And we had been talking about Jamie and getting together to sing soooooo----that's my excuse. :) Or maybe I was traumatized by the fact that AARP had the nerve to send me a letter to invite me into their little exclusive club of old people. That would be enough to do it! ha ha Really, I know how old I am but not quite ready to get the senior discount yet! Happy Day!!
2 Thoughts for the day:
"Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.

"Vegetarian: Indian word for lousy hunter."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby it's cold outside! :)

So grateful that I wasn't a pioneer. I love this weather and the cold but am so glad that I can go home to the warmth of a beautiful home, cozy blankets, and a host of other things that spoil me! (including but not limited to chocolate!)We are all truly blessed and I hope that we each realize just how much and are continually thankful! Happy Day!!!!!!!
Thought for the day:
Some of us have emerged from the most painful circumstances with strong insights about who we are and what we want. Our mistakes? Necessary. Our frustrations, failures, and sometimes stumbling attempts at growth and progress? Necessary too. Each step of the way, we learned. We went through exactly the experiences we need to, to become who we are today. Each step of the way, we progressed. Is our past a mistake? No. The only mistake we can make is mistaking that for the truth.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Yesiree this weather IS my fault and I love it! I can't wait for the holidays for I am just a big kid at heart. If for some insane reason anyone reading this blog is not a fan of the weather I have several suggestions;
1. Learn to play in it. You don't have to spend lots of money to enjoy the season. Rich or poor there are plenty of ways to have fun. Just get your creative juices flowing!
2. It's a great time to snuggle up in a blanket with Hot Chocolate and read a good book or watch a good show while the wind is howling and the snow is swirling and.....ok you get my point. :)
3. Change your attitude about it. You find what you are looking for and if you look forward to each day of the season it will make life soooo much better!
4. Bundle up and take a walk. And of course hot chocolate afterwards!
5. Build a fire! Is there anything greater than a cozy fire? I think not! If you don't have one, go to the local hotel and sit in their lobby by the fireplace. They will never know!!! :) AND you can order a hot chocolate. I know I know, I can't get through a day without chocolate but that's ok. Tis the season!!! Happy Day!!!!
Thought for the day:
"If everything is under control, you are going to slow."

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fun Times at Park City

The fudge was great, the days were gorgeous, the shopping was----let's just say that I could definitely spend it if I had it----and now it's Monday and time to register for my FINAL semester here at UVU. How the time has flown! I just wish that I could study as fast as the days seem to go. Oh well, here comes Jess's favorite saying about eating an elephant one bite at a time! Guess I just need to take bigger bites! :) Happy day!!
Thought for the day:
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Day!!!!

Thought for the day:
"Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, if they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. "

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ya'll Came Through! :)

Thanks for the comments! I shall put a warm fuzzy in my jar for every one! :) So excited for this weekend because Kolleen and I are going to Park City to veg and eat fudge. Also to lament that we are both going to be a year older very soon and it's definitely not as exciting as it use to be! Gravity is NOT my friend. Ok, maybe it keeps me attached to the ground but is shouldn't try to take all of the parts of my body with it!!!
Thought for the day: Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can you hear me now?????

Ok kids, I am getting a complex because nobody comments on my blog. I feel like I am floating at sea and my Verizon network has abandoned me. That is not the way the commercial goes. So I ask again, can you hear me now--------??????????
Thought for the day: Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
Happy day! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fall Break!

Have fall break Thursday and Friday! Library only open from 8-5 so I will at least have some down time because they will kick me out of the library. I don't study well at home so.....freedom!
Okay, I can't get too excited because I still have to study for my 2 midterms next week as well as my GRE but still...............I shall have some fun-maybe veg on the couch and watch a movie. Please don't be jealous of my super exciting life. :) Happy day!
Thought for the day: "It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thought for the day.......

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.
Another beautiful fall morning-------Happy Day!!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Oh My Gosh.....

Just got back from the Inauguration Ceremony for Pres. Matthew Holland and it was such a wonderful experience. President Henry B. Eyring was in the processional and I shook his hand on his way in and told him I liked his pink robe!--- Well I did! :) He said the closing prayer. After the 2 hour event, Kiara and I went up and shook hands with Elder Neal Anderson of the 12 and then had a nice visit with Pres. Matthew Hollands dad, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the 12. I also told him that I LOVED his conference talk. He was sooo sweet! Pretty cool day I would say! Had no idea who was going to be there but certainly glad that I was!
The Lord has a nearly impossible task to get through a heart filled with anger, hate, vengence, or self pity!! The harm others have done to us in the past only matters to the extent that we allow it to affect us today! Happy Day!!! :)
P.S. I love the fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thought for the day.......

A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over. Bengamin Franklin
If you lend someone $20.00 and never see them again, it was probably worth it. :) Happy day!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

How to handle stress......

Have a good cry, take a deep breath and move on!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.....

Just a quick note to let ya'll know that I am still here and breathing! Fall semester is in full swing and I just figured out why it's called FALL;I feel like I am falling behind cause there is soooo much to do. Ok, I know, I know, I AM THE ONE WHO CHOSE THIS SO I MUST LIKE IT RIGHT?? Actually it is pretty exciting coming into the home stretch! That's it for now because I really have to get started on more homework! HAPPY DAY! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

"Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent!"

Had the opportunity to go to leadership conference on Friday. Coach Larry Gelwix from the movie "Forever Strong" was the final speaker. Wow, what a great philosophy he has and his talk was inspiring! Anyone who hasn't seen this movie needs to see it. Powerful life lessons that can be used in every aspect of life.
While Jamie and the kids were here we were able to get together as a family several times and it was great! We had Sunday dinner on the 16th with all the kids and their spouses(except for Chris) and all 9 grandchildren. It was nuts! The grownups got into a pillow fight with the kids(who are all under the age of 8) and I am grateful to say that the injuries were kept at a minimum, some loss of hearing and no damage to the house! Then there was family pictures on Thurs. Trying to get all the kids to stay clean, happy and manageable for 2 hours outside was quite a feat! No we did not manage to do it, but it was fun anyway! The most hilarious part was when the photographer was taking a picture of me with all the grand kids and watching the adults trying to get the kids to smile while jumping, gesturing, making faces, yelling etc. It was a sight to behold and I wish I'd had the video to take pictures of them!
School starts on Wednesday so I'm getting ready for the home stretch. This will be my last fall semester here and it feels strange. It will be like leaving home when I am finally done here but that's the adventure of life right?-to see what the next chapter holds.
Still being greatly blessed and I'm very grateful! Until next time---------Happy day!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust!

I am officially done with the summer semester! Yahoo!!! I have learned that tennis isn't as easy as it looks (I think I need a bigger racket) and that Research Methods wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The idea that this is my LAST summer semester brings a HUGE smile to my face. I've had the opportunity to go on several FABULOUS motorcycle rides; mach 2 with my hair on fire! (have to have seen "Top Gun" for reference. :) Ok so I might be stretching it just a bit but it felt that fast and I LOVED it! Jamie and the kids are coming up and we are going to play with the family as much as possible before they move to Texas. Then fall semester starts again on Aug. 26th and the cycle continues--------.Remember what the Chinese proverb says-The journey IS the reward!
Happy day!!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Ok, so in case you didn't get it, that is my best shot at trying to sound like a VERY fast car whizzing by me! How did I do? :) Well that is how this summer has gone and my question about the summer is like the question about the car.......where did it go???????? Alas methinks it has something to do with my..ahhhh....let's just say... advancement in years! ( I like that. sounds much better than "old age"!) sigh
Jess and Mike move in to their new apartment in Orem tomorrow. How exciting for them. And Jamie and her family are moving to Texas....how NOT exciting for us!!! We will miss them terribly. I can't believe the lengths she will go to to stay away from her "leetle ol mama!" sigh :) We shall party til she leaves! I am getting a little "burned out" from school and am looking forward to my week and a half break in a couple of weeks before fall semester. And as a side note: instead of taking an aerobics class this block, I took tennis because I thought it sounded fun. I love to play, but I didn't realize that I would get much more exercise chasing and picking up the balls that whizz right past me than actual playing time (Again the question asked at the beginning of this blog, this time about the tennis ball...where did it go? hmmmmm !
I shall end this blog with my one of my famous thoughts of the day...READY????
Happy day to one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Good Time Was Had By All !!!!!!

Wow! What an understatement! It was a girls(and I use that word loosely when it comes to MY age) weekend in Park City and we had a fabulous time! We all pitched in and rented a condo that was so beautiful, just like a cabin. Since I don't have any pictures, the best way to see any is to go to Jamie and Jessica's blogs from here and SEE the fun we had! (Those are the only two that have posted so far) Anyway, that was my summer vacation since I'm in school and we had the best time!
We are so lucky to live in such close proximity to beautiful mountains, fun lakes and pretty much anything you want to do is at our fingertips! What can I say? I am in GRATEFUL mode! :)
I am back to reality which for me means school. Research methods isn't too bad since it's not statistics! Of course getting all your teeth pulled without anesthesia or dropping a rock on your foot would be considered fun compared to stats soooo .... you get my meaning! Life is good!!
Remember ; A weed is no more than a flower in disguise! Hey that means that I'm a better gardener than I thought! It's all in how you look at it! :) Yahoo! (I am now doing the happy dance. You should be glad you are not present, it's not pretty! ) Happy day!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sometimes You're the Pigeon, Sometimes You're the Statue!

I thought that would get your attention! :) I am officially out of statistics and this event was celebrated on the 4th of July with all of the fireworks! Yes folks, that was for me! :) Anyway, I am now in my second block at school and it's not as crazy. I even had time to go for a motorcycle ride and to "sail away" on a small sailboat on Utah Lake--twice! Very fun! Where is the summer going? I am grateful that this is the last summer I will spend in school. The Lord continues to bless me, I have a great family and another grandchild on the way---yahoo Megan and Jake! Love to ya'll---------------

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Statistically Speaking-------

Okay, so I wish I could speak statistically so I would know what my proffesor was talking about! I didn't do so well on the first test but yesterday we got our 2nd test back and I got 78%. Yahoooo! Miracles are still alive and well and I am a living example. I am putting the time and effort in and praying ALOT! The Lord has been very mindful of my struggles in this class and helped me tremendously! He has promised that he will make up the difference "after all we can do" and this has certainly been the case!! And stats class is over with NEXT Wednesday! Yay! How do I spell relief? yup! well relief-----anyway :)
It was so fun to have Jamie and Chris and the kids here last week! I didn't get to see them much but we all got together(except Jess and Mike--Jess was playing in California!) several times and had so much fun! Some of the funniest entertainment I get is to go to the softball/T-ball games of Savannah, Brooklyn, Wyett, and Kaulin! And of course they are the CUTEST kids on the teams!
I have a great family and I appreciate ya'll!!!
On that wonderful note---:) Have a fabulous day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life is to short to waste!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dont Stop Dreaming

We all need to have dreams! You need to celebrate and be grateful when dreams come to you but also know that they won't all come true. It can be difficult to let go of a dream that you really want. When you find that a dream isn't going to happen, you sometimes need to MOURN THE LOSS OF THE DREAM REALIZING IT WAS NEVER BASED IN REALITY, ONLY WHAT YOU WANTED SO BADLY TO BE REAL!--------
And then move forward! Just don't ever stop dreaming!

Monday, May 18, 2009

There is no tomorrow to remember if we don't do something today!

I have been reading President Monson's talk from November 2008 conference "Finding Joy in the Journey." I am so grateful for the many wonderful memories I have of our family and the fun we had! I am so glad that Jeffrey and I decided early on to not wait until the future to enjoy life but to have fun along the way! And we sure did. Kelly said that he was talking to Uncle Neil the other day and he told him that he never met anyone that worked as hard as Jeffrey but that he worked equally hard at playing! I remember in the early days of snowmobiling when Jeffrey would not put the snowmobiles away until we had gone at least 100 miles. He would even circle the parking lot just to get the odometer to read 100! He wanted to get his monies worth! :) And he would ask everyone ALL THE TIME if we were having fun! It was annoying but he needed to know that we were having a good time. And I miss his sense of humor! How he could tell a story of any every day occurrence and make it hilarious!
The point is, don't waste your today's on things that don't matter! Know what is important! "You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you've collected a lot of empty yesterdays." Everyone should make the most of every day you have with each other because the memories are one thing that can't be taken away! And if you have a hard time remembering things, you need to write them down because it doesn't take much of a jog to your memory to have all sorts of memories come flooding back! How grateful I am for such wonderful memories and that the Lord has blessed me with such a wonderful family. Remember, Find Joy in the Journey! Love to all!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Still Alive and Kickin'

Okay so I haven't posted in a LONG time but I have been busy having NO LIFE!!!! (For those of you who don't know, that means I LIVE at UVU pretty much and they are starting to contemplate charging me rent along with the astronomical tuition and fees!)
It was a wonderful weekend last week with Savannah's baptism, Jess and Mike's Snow College graduation, and my graduation.(Associate Degrees R Us) And of course there is the FOOD that is partaken of at these events. Lots of sugar(which is pretty much the most excitement I get anymore) and getting together with family(which means lots of laughs which I love!) I am not really complaining although I am doing a good job of sounding like it. It's just that I am a YELLOW personality trapped in the world of the Reds who are the movers and shakers(good traits for a student), the Blues who are the boy and girl scouts, goal and detail oriented(good traits for a student), the whites who go about their business of getting things done and seeing the big picture without the fuss(good traits for a student). Yellows just wanna have fun fun fun til their daddy takes the T-Bird away. Someone definitely swiped mine and the fun fun fun has been replaced by work work work. It has paid off however cause I just got my grades for this last semester and I got straight A's. 7 of them-yahoo! So this has become my new definition of fun-a great GPA. I do anticipate the day that I can get my T-Bird back figuratively and go have my old definition of fun. I just have to pay the price like the Reds, Whites and Blues. So patriotic! My little yellow flame is still flickering under the mountains of homework so I shall survive. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. In my yellow world, I sure wish it were chocolate!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our Guardian Angel

I have had many mixed emotions as the month of April has approached. Most of all I feel disbelief that it has been three years since Jeff's death. I have listened to the funeral services several times in the last couple of days and it has brought me much peace as well as sadness. It hurts to know how much he is missing, yet I know that he watches over us and knows how we are doing. (Elisha, why do you think you haven't had the baby yet? He is being instructed by his grandfather who sure knows how to talk!) He is excited about Savannah getting ready to be baptized, has been praying for Skyla, gets a kick out of Jake having HIS car and is proud of Jess graduating. He loves ALL of his children, their spouses and I agree with him that we have the CUTEST GRANDKIDS EVER!!! I like to think that the Lord allows Jeff to be a Guardian Angel to watch over his family here on earth. I can imagine that he is sooooo proud of all of you and the fact that you are living the gospel, loving your families and carrying on with life to the best of your abilities. I am so proud of each and every one of you too! Thank you for the love and support you have given me. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful family and I am truly blessed!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Age is of no importance unless you are a cheese.

I like this saying because I see time going by faster and faster and my age with it. I would like it much better to be thought of as fine wine-- you know--gets better with age? The kind you see on TV where the guy goes down into the wine cellar and brings out a dusty old wine bottle, wipes it off, checks out the date and says"this is really old and should be really good".Hmmm, maybe I'm not such a fan of this scenario after all. Really is cheese any better? And come to think of it, cheese and wine are suppose to go together! Oh well, if any of you see me turn yellow and start molding, yell for help!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Doubt Not; Fear Not

I said this to a friend not too long ago and need to take my own advice. Things have been a little rough this last month or so. It's tough to hold something solid and precious in your hands and then stand helplessly by as it seems to disintegrate like sand through your fingers with no power to stop it. Be it a friendship, a dream------well, anyway, I will survive.(Maybe that could be my theme song)!I am writing this from Skyla's hospital room in St. George. She got really dehydrated and had to come to the hospital on Wednesday night. She will be ok, they are just trying to figure out why she can't keep things down and also to get her unplugged. She is such a doll and a brave little trouper. I skipped school yesterday(yes! I actually sluffed!)so I could go to grandparents day with Brooklyn. We had a really fun time and then I drove to St. George to the hospital and arrived about 5:00. Don't know how long Skyla will be here but we are hoping she can break out of here soon. I sure have a wonderful family and love appreciate you all! On to other Janice news----
I was invited to join the Phi Kappa Phi Society. I had no idea what it was but they said it is by invitation only to the top 7% of Juniors and 10% of Seniors at the University based on grade point. Wow! Dumb Blond or Genius in disguise? hmmmmm Then there is the POLKA competition my partner and I won 1st place in at the dance lab on Tuesday! Who woulda thought? A dumb blond polka dancer with a high GPA. Sounds like a good idea for a sit com.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!

Okay so I might be just a LITTLE dramatic but let me tell you---I AM SO SORE! I went snowmobiling with Kelly and Cory yesterday. Need I say more? It was really fun. We went up Santaquin Canyon and I managed to hit a rock on the side of the trail with my ski and go flying! The snowmobile did tip over but luckily not on me this time. I was too busy hugging the tree I landed by.(And I am not by nature a "tree hugger" just so you know!) Is it just me or am I getting too old for this? Hmmmmm! I am going to chalk it up to the month of February since that's when I had my last accident.
I am in the library and should be doing homework but I'm having a brain freeze! Happens to me quite a bit. Actually the reason I am at the library is because I can sit down and only have to use my fingers.(The ONLY part of my body that's not sore!) We are told that we should listen to our bodies but I'm telling you that when my body is screaming "I am in pain you idiot! What have you done to me?", it gets rather annoying! Oh well, back to work!

Monday, February 9, 2009

You Eat An Elephant One Bite At A Time!

I have to keep telling myself this when I am feeling overwhelmed which is MOST OF THE TIME!
Had another test in Human Sexuality today and I do NOT want to discuss it. The only thing I have to say is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Thanks! I feel much better!
Now to some fun things I did over the weekend. Hmmm Since I don't have a life and my brain is pretty much filled with other stuff it takes a while to process. Oh yah! It was last night at Jake's house. His birthday was Sat. and they invited the fam over for ice cream and cake. It was sooooo good! Thanks Megan! And we played on the Wii-Tennis and Bowling. As anyone who was there can testify, I need a BIGGER room to play in. But at least I have fun! It is so nice to get together and see everyone. The only ones who weren't there was Jamie's family. That's ok Jamie. We missed you but I ate your cake! Thanks! Better get to class! Love to all! Janice, Mom, and Grandma

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Are you KIDDING me?

So, seriously, who in the world at MY AGE almost fails a human sexuality test, huh? Tell me? I have FIVE children and it wasn't THAT complicated!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!
By the way, in all of my readings I still haven't seen anything about birds, bees or storks! Maybe I haven't read far enough!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Same Thing, Different Day

Here I go again. I am back in school and feeling overwhelmed so that means that things are normal. I really do like my classes and I am learning as much as my blonde brain can handle. There's a question for a pysch major. Is my brain as blonde as my hair? Scary thought but it does explain alot! :)
Went up to the cabin this past Saturday with Kelly, Jen and the kids and had lots of fun. My first time on my snowmobile since my accident last Feb. and it was good to get back. And just in case anyone is wondering, the sky is still blue above the smog. The air quality is awful and we have been told that we shouldn't exercise because of it. Sweet! Maybe they will cancel my Powertone class. Hmmmmmm!