Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust!

I am officially done with the summer semester! Yahoo!!! I have learned that tennis isn't as easy as it looks (I think I need a bigger racket) and that Research Methods wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The idea that this is my LAST summer semester brings a HUGE smile to my face. I've had the opportunity to go on several FABULOUS motorcycle rides; mach 2 with my hair on fire! (have to have seen "Top Gun" for reference. :) Ok so I might be stretching it just a bit but it felt that fast and I LOVED it! Jamie and the kids are coming up and we are going to play with the family as much as possible before they move to Texas. Then fall semester starts again on Aug. 26th and the cycle continues--------.Remember what the Chinese proverb says-The journey IS the reward!
Happy day!!

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