Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

What a holiday it has been! Thanksgiving was a blast! It was so wonderful for all 5 kids and their families to be together and to be able to spend it at Jamie and Chris's in St. George.
I took Cory, Elisha, Kelly, Jen, Jake, Megan, Jess and Mike to Red Lobster for dinner and then to the Scera in Orem to see Plaid Tidings. We had so much fun. We are always the loudest people in the restaurant and always the ones having the most fun! I almost had more fun listening to Jen laugh during Plaid Tidings than the show itself; and the show was sooooo funny! That was the kid's Christmas present from me. I decided a few years back that I would rather give a memory for Christmas for my gift and this has been the result.
I went to St. George after my finals and took Chris and Jamie out to Ruby River and then to see the Diamond talent Christmas Show. Food and show was great!
Went out to dinner on Christmas Eve with Mom and Mike and they got engaged. Mike dropped to one knee next to the booth and after saying some very sweet things, gave mom a ring. A HUGE ring! To say that my mom is engaged is very strange and I am still getting used to it but she is happy and Mike is a wonderful man! I wish them much happiness!!! No date set for the wedding yet.
Wasn't my year to have the kids over so it was a bit quiet on the home front. Went to Kelly's to watch kids open presents and then had breakfast. Saw Jess and Mike later that night and loved the BIG storm that blew in! I LOVE THE SNOW!!!!
Another semester over and I lived through it. I have a short break and then back to UVU, my home away from home. (I think the reason my tuition is so high is that they are charging me room and board because I practically live there!) Took 17 credits last semester and will go with 18 for Spring.
I wish everyone a prosperous and joy filled new year!!! LOVE YA"LL

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Time is Flying!

Can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving! Wow time is sure flying! Took mom up to Idaho last weekend for DJ's Homecoming. We had a great time! DJ gave a fabulous talk. It was so good to see everyone. Mom, Gayle and I talked for a couple of hours on Sat. night in my truck. Good thing gas prices have gone down! : ) We have officially solved all of the worlds problems.(Let them eat cake!)
My Professors have started talking about that dreaded 6 letter word. FINALS. I think I'm suppose to worry about that but I'll think about it later. My blonde bumper sticker says," Work never killed anybody but why take a chance?!" I sooooooooo agree!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Okay, so my birthday was yesterday and I miss the birthdays of yesteryear! Ya know the ones I mean. The ones with tons of presents, lots of cake and ice cream and friends and cousins galore, all there because you are excited its your birthday. The ones where you got the cute cards that didn't make fun of the fact that you are so old that the fire dept. will be on call just in case there is a fire from the zillions of candles on your cake! Or the ones that say you aren't getting older your getting better!(who are they kidding? I have a mirror!) I put it off until the bitter end and decided not to turn 51 until 11:59 pm last night. Is that legal? hmmmmmmmmm

Monday, November 3, 2008

Almost done with Biology! Yay!

I am at midterms and sooooooo behind because I took BIOLOGY and it has consumed my life! Ok so I know that I have no life, but if I did well, u know! I have 1 more test to take and will be done with Biology and then will have time for my other classes.
What I want to know is how these kids in my classes are able to sluff classes ALL THE TIME and still do just fine? DO NOT tell me it is my age or my hair color.( I know it's both but DON'T want to hear it!)
I really am enjoying school and grateful I can go back. I will be done with my generals at the end of the year. If anyone needs any counseling at this point, I will be happy to help at 50% off. When I get my diploma my fees go up dramatically just so ya know.

Monday, September 1, 2008

*My Beautiful Family*

The newest addition to our family Mike!
Cory, Jess, Jake, Jamie, & Kelly
Me & Jess
Me, Hunter, Santa, & Grandma

Jenna, Me, J's, Jess, Jamie (Gayle is taking the picture)

Jake and Megan playing the newlywed game on our cruise.

Me, Jamie, & Skyla
Kelly, Jen, Brooklyn, Rees, Wyatt, & Savannah
Skyla and Rees on their blessing day. They look really happy to be there!:)
Me, Grandma, & Jess
Me, Savannah, Hunter, & Brookly at our beautiful cabin.