Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Can you hear me now?????

Ok kids, I am getting a complex because nobody comments on my blog. I feel like I am floating at sea and my Verizon network has abandoned me. That is not the way the commercial goes. So I ask again, can you hear me now--------??????????
Thought for the day: Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
Happy day! :)


Jess Beach said...

MOTHER! I am sure if you yell loud enough I will hear you...I am only a block avay! I should be the favorite daughter, because I comment on most of your posts. Here's another thought to go with yours (and yes, it's serious for once): "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Love you!

Jamie K. Photography said...

Mom-I'm here! Just so you know it's a two way street!:) We love getting comments from our Mommy! Have a great day at school!
Love you!

patty323 said...

i love your thoughts for the day they are awesome

Jake and Megan said...

I can hear you! I'll leave more comments because I love getting comments. I really do love your thought of the day.

The Nielsens said...

Lol from Cory. He said he can't ever comment because he doesn't understand your thoughts for the day lol (: However we thought this thought was great, and we're here!