Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Age is of no importance unless you are a cheese.

I like this saying because I see time going by faster and faster and my age with it. I would like it much better to be thought of as fine wine-- you know--gets better with age? The kind you see on TV where the guy goes down into the wine cellar and brings out a dusty old wine bottle, wipes it off, checks out the date and says"this is really old and should be really good".Hmmm, maybe I'm not such a fan of this scenario after all. Really is cheese any better? And come to think of it, cheese and wine are suppose to go together! Oh well, if any of you see me turn yellow and start molding, yell for help!


Chris & Jamie said...

You crack me up! I would pay anything to look and act like you when I'm 51! You're awesome and I love you!

Jess Beach said...

You are exceptional cheese, Mama. However, I will worry when you begin to squeak.