Sometimes when things pile up to a point of being totally overwhelming you just need a good meltdown! That was my day yesterday and I just wanted to go home and have a good cry! The days are getting shorter but it seems like the hours in the day are getting shorter too. Maybe it has something to do with being "over the hill" and accelerating on the downhill side. hmmmmm! So much to do and so little time to do it, especially this semester. Ok, I know, I know, this IS my fault because I bit off a lot this semester so I'm not complaining--just venting. Just got done with my law test and I'm heading to San Francisco tomorrow for the National Convention on Family Relations. When I get home I have a 15 page paper to write and I take the GRE test on the 20th of this month. Looks like I will be praying A LOT and I could definitely use your prayers too. The Lord continues to bless me sooo much and I just need to take a deep breath and enjoy the journey right? Whew, I feel much better! Happy day!!!!
Thought for the day:
"I don't know the key to success but I know the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
"- Bill Cosby (1937-).
Being 'over the hill' is much better than being under it!
10 years ago
I'm sorry your so stressed. I pray that this trip will be more relaxing than you think it will be. I love you and remember what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. (you probley want to kill me for saying that but you would say the same to me...payback!:)Wahahahahah
It sounds like you have a lot going on! I'm so sorry, it sounds very overwhelming. But just think how good it will feel when it's all over... I know that doesn't help right now... Good Luck with everything!!!
good luck with everything you are doing so great i am proud of you for all your accomplishments just have a fun and relaxing trip k and things will be just fine.
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