Friday, April 16, 2010

My Favorite Things-----Not

Isn't the library suppose to be a place of peace and quiet? A place where I can go study and concentrate on the important things I have leaned ? A place where the knowledge I have accumulated (or had crammed into my brain against its will) flows freely from the top of my head, vibrates gently through my body, down my arm and into my fingers where they magically fly across the keyboard writing down brilliant things? hmmm ?! NOT!
My favorite things about the library;
1) the guy sitting next to me with his headphones turned up to the highest volume ever, singing (out loud) to the pounding music coming out of his ears. Does he not realize that we can HEAR him? Really? Really!
2) the guy sitting next to me, or across from me, hacking and sneezing IN MY DIRECTION, as he feverishly works on the computer with a temperature of at least 103! Yes, the same germ ridden computer that the next unsuspecting person will not realize is contaminated with the latest plague!
3) the 3 valley girls huddled around the computer laughing and giggling at the computer screen.(I do NOT want to know what they are doing)
4) the phone that is NOT on silent and rings heartily in an ever increasing volume as everyone frantically checks to see if it's THEIR phone making so much noise.
5)the guilt I feel when I am suppose to be working on an important paper or studying for an exam, and instead I am checking out every ones blog----and of course that is when the banner comes across the computers screen saying -the computer lab is full. If you are not working on school work please exit the building- oh shoot! Busted!!
Well my days of practically living in my favorite place in the world, the UVU library, are rapidly coming to an end and I think I am going through withdrawals. I will really miss this place! Where will I pick up all the latest jargon, see the latest fashions, be it comfy pajamas or short skirts with uggs, or pick up GERMS? I guess BYU has a library, fashion(more modest I would imagine) and germs, so I will kiss my past here goodbye in a couple of weeks and head to new adventures and new favorite things! Graduation Countdown; 14 days, 2 hours and 10 minutes, but whose counting? ha ha Happy Day!
Thought for the day: Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.


Darwin + Kiara said...

At least I wasn't there this morning to be chatting away with you :) Hopefully you got more work done despite all of your distractions without sweet little me to talk your ear off ;)


P.S. I still think we need to strangle Russ when we get back!

ANeibaur said...

Sounds lovely I can see why your going to miss it so much... jk. haha.
Congrats on new adventures! You will do great!

patty323 said...

I am so proud of you your going to do great good luck in all that you do.