Monday, January 11, 2010

Faith is Always Pointed to the Future!

There is something in many of us that particularly fails to forgive and forget earlier mistakes in life-either our mistakes or the mistakes of others. As Elder Holland said, we are not to dwell on days now gone nor to yearn vainly for yesterdays....for the past is to be learned from but not lived in. To be tied to earlier mistakes is the worst kind of wallowing in the past from which we are called to cease and desist. It is hard to look forward with optimism to the future when we are constantly looking back and dwelling on things that have happened in the past. Do not let your attachment to the past outweigh your confidence in the future! We will all make mistakes so pick yourself up, dust yourself off , learn what you can and move forward with the wisdom you have gained. Those who succeed in life are not the ones who have not fallen but those who pick themselves up keep trying! The Lord gave us the gift of the Atonement to make up the difference and He wants us to succeed. Let us not live below our true abilities. Don't' keep going back with your little sand pail and beach shovel to dig up the past, wave it around, and then throw it at someone, saying, "Hey! Do you remember this?" Splat! We are better than this. Let us show increased Kindness to ourselves and others. We are all in this together!!! Happy Day!
Thought for the day: The harm others have done to us in the past only matters to the extent that we allow it to affect us today.


Jamie K. Photography said...

Amen! I love it.... sometimes it's hard but you definetly are happier if you can let it go and move on!
Love you Mom!
*Love the new background!

ANeibaur said...

I love reading your blogs Janice. They always give me something to think about, and work on. Your an amazing person thanks for sharing this. :)

patty323 said...

Thank you for all your thoughts they make alot of sense, hope all is well love ya

Darwin + Kiara said...

Thanks, Janice! Love the new background too!!