Tuesday, December 29, 2009

That's my story and I'm stickin to it!!!!

There are 3 kinds of stories we tell ourselves that get us into trouble! There is the "victim"story, the "villain"story and the "helpless" story. Maybe with the new year coming up we can see if we tell ourselves these stories and if so, make an effort to quit and have better communication.
1) Victim Story-"It's not my fault" this is when we don't take responsibility for the things that we do or say and just throw blame on someone else. Remember that we can ONLY change ourselves so blaming others for how WE feel is pointless. Don't give others that kind of POWER over you.
2) Villain Story--"It's all your fault!" This makes us feel better about outcomes because, again, we don't take responsibility for our own actions. Stop looking for others to blame.
3) Helpless Story--" I can't do anything about it so why try?" There is always something you can do about a situation because you are in control of how YOU handle it.
We see or hear something and then we tell ourselves a story. For example, if you see someone weaving in and out of traffic, you tell yourself some kind of story-- That guy's an idiot! or that guy must be drunk! or that guy might be headed for the hospital for an emergency! In all of these cases you really have no idea why that guy is weaving in and out of traffic so you filled in the blank with a story. After you tell yourself a story, your feelings kick in; either anger, frustration or maybe concern. Depends on the story you told yourself. Then comes the actions. Maybe speed up and cut the guy off cause he deserves it or get mad and take it out on your loved ones when you get home.See? You control the outcome because YOU control the stories you tell yourselves. So next time something happens and you don't have all the facts, don't fall into the trap of making up a story. Give the person a break and you will keep yourself from much misery of miscommunication. Happy day!
Thought for the day: "When a man is all wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package"

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was very crazy and fun at my house this year. All of the kids, along with my mom and Mike, and Lorin Fuel (Elisha's dad) came to the Christmas Eve party. It was so fun, especially the naivety scene with the kids. A favorite part of mine is when we all tell what we are grateful for. Then all of the kids and their families, except Jake and Megan, slept over. So fun! Christmas was a great family time and I am so grateful for my family and how much fun we have together. After Christmas is kind of difficult because it's hard to come to a screeching halt when you are so use to being insanely busy with school and Christmas activities. I am going to try and savor every minute of down time because January 6th 2010 and my last semester of school will come soon enough. It will be exciting to see what the new year brings! I hope it brings, health, happiness and peace to you all. Happy Day!
Thought for the day:The future is as bright as your faith.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I am sitting in the UVU library(my home away from home) with 2 finals today and then I am done with this semester! Hallelujah!!! I have learned a lot this semester but it's been a pretty tough one to keep on top of because of research papers,general paperwork, and out of school hours. One of my finals is my mediation class which I really learned a lot from. We read a book called, "Crucial Conversations" which I highly recommend. One of the things it talks extensively about is when you are in conversation with someone and it starts to get heated because you want them to agree with you( BECAUSE YOU ARE RIGHT OF COURSE) you need to take a deep breath, step back and ask yourself a very important question. What do I really want? Do you HAVE to be right? Or do you want to keep a healthy happy relationship with that person? Every person deserves respect in conversation even when we don't agree! Sometimes we talk to the people we love the most in the most degrading and harmful ways. No person should be treated as our own whipping post just because we are having a bad day. Just remember that one of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears--by listening to them. Since communication seems to be such a problem in marriages and family relationships, I really think this book is a great tool to sharpen your skills. OK, enough about the book! Now it's on to Christmas which is next week! Oh My Gosh!!! I hope everyone is in the holiday mode and enjoying it to the fullest! It's certainly a beautiful time of year! Love to you all and as always---Happy Day!
Thought for the Day: "Adversity introduces a man to himself."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ho Ho Ho? or HUMBUG?!!

One of the things I enjoy doing during the Christmas Holidays is People Watch! I find it fascinating that people tend to react to the holidays in one of two ways; ho ho ho or humbug. During the hustle and bustle of the season it's easy to get a little frustrated with so much to do.Kids seem to be on one extended sugar high as they bounce off the walls and hang from the rafters in their excitement and enthusiasm. Traffic seems to be at a constant standstill as people jockey for positions in parking lots and freeways. Just remember the next time that someone cuts you off on the highway or your kids don't seem to listen as well as usual, that you have been there before and done the same thing. Christmas is a magical time that we are suppose to enjoy and if you aren't, what are YOU doing to stop yourself from enjoying it? During the last conference, Elder Richard G. Scott said the following, "The inspiring influence of the Holy Spirit can be overcome or masked by strong emotion, such as anger, hate, passion, fear, or pride. When such influences are present, it is like trying to savor the delicate flavor of a grape while eating a jalapeno pepper. Both flavors are present, but one completely overpowers the other."
Let's give ourselves a break and remember what the season is all about.Take a deep breath, change your attitude, and pray for the spirit of the season to attend you. It will make all the difference. Happy Day!!!
Thought for the day:
"The Art of being wise is the Art of knowing what to overlook."

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Not a Fan of the COLD!

I figured that would get your attention since I have been telling everyone that I LOVE winter and all it entails! And that's true! I love the snow and the frigid temps, seeing your breath, drinking hot chocolate, sitting by the fire and wrapping up in a warm blanket! I love it all! So what is the deal about not being a fan of the cold? Ok, so I'm NOT a fan of sitting in the UVU library trying to study for finals while my nose looks like Rudolph because I have to wipe it every 2 minutes! I can't turn off the faucet in my face! And I do not need the Kleenex company telling me that if you use THEIR brand, it's gentle on your nose. R U kidding? Santa could call me up tonight and I could be his beacon in the fog. I have figured out that Rudolph wasn't born with a shiny red nose out of the blue, he was born with a runny nose that his mom had to wipe and it became a BIG RED SHINY NOSE that is so popular today! And the aches and pains that come with the common cold? There is nothing common about feeling like you have been run over by a semi! And the best part is not being able to breath out of 1 nostril because it is locked up tight! Love THAT feeling! I guess it's better than having them both plugged at the same time which does happen frequently. How are you suppose to eat and breath out of your mouth at the same time? Still working on that one.Then, hallelujah, you are finally able to breath again with the help of nose spray which you have to inject several times because you are so plugged up that it runs right back out with the rest of the "stuff" that you have been wiping all day.( You realize that cocking your head back for a few minutes works but gets you funny looks at the library!) And trying to study while your head feels like it's being slowly squeezed in a vise thanks to those swollen sinuses is a kick! That's really gonna help your concentration! Trying to sleep at night is the BEST, because you get the opportunity to lie in bed and try not to think of your pounding head, achy body, swollen and runny nose, and the fact that you can't breathe. No problem, I'll count sheep or my blessings or how many more Kleenex's I'll need tomorrow or...........! Happy Day! Life is good! :)
Thought for the day: Mother's of teenagers know why animals eat their young.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Our family is going through some challenges lately. As I was studying my scriptures the other night, I came across a talk given by Dallin Oaks that was comforting. He said,"A sense of gratitude enables us to see our hardships in the context of our purpose here on earth. We are sent here to be tested. Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more. He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain." So the moral of the story is that THE LORD LOVES US A LOT! :)
Hope everyone is well and loving the snow and crispness of the season!! I love it!! Finals are next week and I can't believe another semester will be over. Yipee! Happy Day!
Thought for the day: The more we dwell on what we don't want, the more of it we create. Whether positive or negative, that which is focused on will expand.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Attention Christmas Shoppers!

Thoughts for the day:
Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

Ha Ha Ha! Getting ready for finals and needed a chuckle! Happy day! :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes

"I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and think, 'Well, that's not going to happen." Happy day! :)