Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You know I'm sick when.....

You know I'm sick when chocolate and junk food don't sound good and I'm not eating!
As you know, I usually get up about 4:30 Monday through Friday to be at school to work out at 6:00am. I got up Monday and went to school and as my workout progressed, I started feeling sick. The water I drank was making me feel queasy.(ok,so I really don't like water on a good day, but this was different.) By the time I was done riding the stationary bike(which I can only get through by watching reruns of "so you think you can dance), I was ready to throw up. I went in to the locker room and laid down on the floor for awhile and then changed. I was going to go to the mall to exchange something before going to my Stats class at BYU to go over my final, and let's just say that I barely got out of the mall without passing out.The one day that I REALLY needed to be to my Stats class and I was racing home so I wouldn't either throw up or pass out.( neither of which is a good option!) So I laid in bed all day Monday and Tuesday. I got a blessing on Tuesday and a lecture from Jamie about the fact that I need more than 4 or 5 hours sleep. This morning I got up thinking that I felt much better and could go on with life as usual. Wrong! I'm so weak that it took all my energy to shower and it's kind of hard to get dressed sitting down! Maybe this is another lesson in patience and not taking things for granted. Really? Man, am I not getting it or what? Ok, I get that I might need to rethink my strategy. My BYU program starts on the 30th , so my schedule will be altered anyway and I shall be a good girl and get more sleep. Being sick really makes you appreciate how great it is to feel----well--great! I shall appreciate it more.
Just got word last night that Mandy had her beautiful baby girl! Congratulations! We love you!
Happy day!
Thought for the day: In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle stand like a rock.


Jess Beach said...

Also, getting enough sleep can help delay dementia and keep your brain from shutting down. Get some sleep, woman! We've been telling you that for YEARS! Love you. :)

The Nielsens said...

That's awful, hope you get feeling better soon! (:

ANeibaur said...

Feel better Aunt Janice :) that's no fun.