Monday, February 1, 2010

Beware and Be-Aware!

Sometimes we receive "wake up" calls when we least expect it. I had an experience at school early Friday morning that was a bit un-nerving and it remind me of a couple of things. First, never get so comfortable that you aren't aware of what is going on around you. Stay alert and remember that if someone is around you and you get that feeling of something not being right--go with your instinct! Second I'm grateful for the protective powers of the Lord and the power of Prayer! I am grateful that I was being watched over and I will remember to not get too secure of my surroundings. I refuse to walk around scared but I will continue to stay alert! So be happy and be safe!
Thought for the day: The Lord always answers our prayers. Sometimes He says YES, sometimes He says NO, sometimes He says--YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING! :)

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