Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cheese with my "Whine"!

I haven't kept up very well with my "journal" blog so I'm going back and try to remember some of the things that have happened. First and most exciting is that Jamie had her baby boy on Monday the 26th of July! He is a doll and it looks like Jagger Mikel will be is name. Mom and baby are doing great!
Last week was a whining week for me. The prior Sat. I went with Kelly and his family, Chris and Hunter(Skyla was sick so Jamie stayed home with her), boating on Utah Lake. We had such a fun time! I have never gotten up on a boogie board, but hey, I work out and maybe this time? Wrong! I ended up pulling a chest muscle on my left side and that was the end of that. It hurt to breath and I'm pretty sure you can't get along to well without breathing!Really? Wow, I am sooooo glad I exercise every day so I don't hurt myself!!! Ahhhhhh! Yes, that started the whining! By Monday I couldn't do my upper body exercises, it was hard to walk across BYU campus with my bag of books, and my professor of Statistics(you remember stats? my absolute favorite subject in the world? NOT!) proceeded to tell us that there were several people that were kicked out of the program because they couldn't pass Statistics and Research so we needed to take it more seriously! How much more serious can you get than a stack full of 3x5 cards with hundreds of formula's and crazy information that I still don't "get?!" Needless to say, I had a mini breakdown that day. I would have had a MAJOR FULL BLOWN breakdown but I didn't have time. You know why? I had to study for Statistics that's why!!!! (I do have a breakdown scheduled for my next school break.) Then on Tuesday, I pulled a groin muscle on my right leg during my morning exercise routine and by the time class was out at BYU I was limping SLOWLY across campus. Are you KIDDING me? Maybe this is why some people don't exercise. You can get HURT! Well at least my chest muscle pull faded in the background of my new pain! Awesome! By Wednesday morning I was hurting so bad that I took a pain pill that made me sooo sick that I ended up skipping my BYU class and going home to die! I spent the day in bed. Life is good? :/
I went to the rodeo with Kelly's family on Thursday and it was so fun! Beautiful night and an almost full moon! Love the moon! Saturday morning I went with Jamie to take Jake, Megan and Kaylee's family pictures at Salem Pond. They turned out sooo cute. Of course-great subject matter! That night everybody came over (except Elisha who was doing Cherries and Jess and Mike who are still in Texas) and we had a BBQ and stayed up to watch the Fiesta Days Fire Works in the back yard. We had a really great time. By Sunday I was feeling much better and I took my motorcycle for a ride. I went and visited with my friend for awhile and by the time I went to leave, the battery was dead. My friend offered to put my motorcycle by his garage and take me home but I was determined to get it started. Of course I had to kick start it with the leg with the pulled muscle. Can things get ANY better? ha ha I did manage to get it started and get home ok. And I did decide that my week of whining was over! Besides----nobody cares! Seriously, when you see someone and ask, "how are you today?", do you REALLY want to know? Just say great and be done with it. Save the whining for your family. They probably don't want to hear it either, but they have to listen cause they are related! Happy day to ya'll!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thumbs Up!

Ok, so you can call me a sap or a romantic (both of which are true), but I really love the "Twilight" series! I have to blame my daughter in law, Jen, for this. When everyone was busy reading the "Twilight series" and in a lather about the first movie, I was being a good little student at school. I knew better than to start reading any books that weren't school books because I have no self control when it comes to reading and I read a book until I'm finished. Beside, a story about a vampire--really? So I was over watching the kids while Kelly and Jen were at a baseball game and after the kids went to bed, I spotted it! The book, right there in plain sight and beckoning me to pick it up.( I wonder if Jen did that on purpose? hmmm) Anyway, I thought I would just skim over it and that's all it took. I was hooked and had the entire series read in no time! Loved it! Let me explain what is so appealing to me about the series for those of you who think I'm crazy or don't have a romantic bone in your body!!!!
1. How awesome would it be to have someone who was willing to do whatever it took to be with you? ( and Bella has two! So it's a vampire and werewolf! details details!)
2.A guy who has such self control. Keeping passions in check so he doesn't hurt her? Way hot!
3.A guy with enough moral integrity to want to wait to be intimate until AFTER they are married. Now that's unusual in this day and age!
4. An entire vampire family who want to be better than their kind and natural instinct. They crave human blood but drink animal blood instead. (so would that be like craving chocolate and having to have a carrot?! whoaaa! )
And the list goes on. So here comes the "soapbox" that I get on from time to time--ok, more than that!:)
When we know what we are suppose to do, we should be willing to do whatever it takes to do it! We will hit roadblocks and stumble, but it will be worth it in the end! I think that the major thing we are suppose to learn in this life is self control. We live in a world where we are spoiled beyond belief and have instant everything! We want to do or have things that are not good for us or can hurt us, and we need to develop the self control to do the right thing and the wisdom to know the difference. Time is precious! We never know what tomorrow will bring. Every day that goes by is one more day that you won't ever get back to spend with your loved ones or be doing what you need to do. Don't procrastinate living, loving, or having joy now! Happy Day!
Thought for the day: Never mistake motion for action!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Can you hear me now?

I'm busy! What a great tool for the adversary! We are so busy in our lives that we often complain that there isn't enough time to get everything done. Are we confusing being busy with being productive? Is busyness a way we run away from what is really important and what we really should be doing? I have thought a lot about this lately in my own life. I was talking with Elisha awhile ago about a sharing time she was doing in Primary on the subject of the Holy Ghost. As a demonstration, she had a boy come up to the front of the room. She asked him to remove his shoes and socks. She had some obstacles on the floor between her and the boy. She then blindfolded him and put some thumbtacks on the floor between them and told him that she would guide him safely to her and to listen carefully to her voice. Then she told all the other children in the room to talk and make noise to try and distract the boy from hearing her voice. What an effective object lesson for all of us! Sometimes we need to slow down, turn off the electronic devices, and listen. We can't hear answers to our prayers or feel the spirit when we are too busy to listen! In the scriptures it says,"Be Still And Know That I Am God." I now understand what that means for me.
Thought for the day: I'm so busy...I don't know if I found a rope or lost my horse!
Happy Day!