Monday, April 4, 2011

I Once Was Lost, But Now I'm Found!

Greetings! It's been a long time since I've written and I can't even begin to explain the roller coaster ride I've been on. Since I've started the Master's program, I've cried more than I have in a long time. Sometimes because of subject matter, sometimes because in the process of self awareness you find that you aren't exactly the person you want to be, and always because of the intense pressure. I have felt like there isn't enough of me to go around and my life has become so one sided(school). It's been a process of intensive study, intensive self evaluation and a time of total reliance on the Lord to get me through. And it has been a time of extreme painful growth for me. I have prayed to be able to become the person the Lord wants me to be so I can be an instrument in His hands as I continue on in my field of study. Sometimes the answers are very painful to hear when you think you are doing the best you can and the answer is that I can do more. Working smarter hasn't always been my forte', but I'm getting there. Last semester was a time of drowning from my point of view. A time for "Ulcer's Are Us". I didn't know if I was going to make it, but I survived. This semester is just as intensive if not more so. We have clients at the clinic and are learning at a feverish pace to prepare for our internships at the end of this month. But I have a different attitude this semester and it has made all the difference. I was given a blessing by my wonderful home teacher before the semester began, and I have referred to it over an over. It has been a guide map in helping me get through the emotional, physical, and spiritual experiences that I have had. It is another tender mercy of the Lord to let me know that He is here and aware of what I am going through. And more important, He is here to help me get though it. There are several things that I'm not sure of the route I'm to take, but I know that it is the timing of the Lord that is important and I need to be patient.(Wow, for those of you who know the Nielsen clan, you know that's NOT our forte?!):) I am headed up to Addiction Resource Center for Healing(ARCH) in South Jordon to do my internship starting the last week in April. They do all kinds of therapy for individuals, couples, families, addictions of all kinds, court ordered psycho-educational groups, etc. I'm very excited about working there over the Spring and Summer. I'm very blessed and so grateful for the love and support of my family! I haven't been able to be around much as a mom and grandma. I'm trying the best I can, but I am so blessed to have such a great support system. I'm so proud of Cory and Elisha, Kelly and Jen, Chris and Jamie, Jake and Megan, and Mike and Jessica and their families! And I appreciate having the CUTEST grandchildren in the world! (I do NOT ever exaggerate!) :) I also am so grateful for the love and support of wonderful people who have been put in my life to make it so much richer and fuller and that I have learned a great deal from. Thank-you! Not trying to make this a testimony meeting on paper, but I am so grateful for everything I have been blessed with and sorry for the times I have been so overwhelmed I have temporarily forgotten this. Lot's of fun things to look forward to in the future and wishing you all a happy day! Love to you all! Thought for the Day: You don't have to be crazy to work here. We'll train you! :)


Darwin + Kiara said...

Glad to have an update and know you're still holding your head above the water. I miss you like crazy but I know we'll get together when you finally get a little bit of a break. Keep treading that water, pretty lady! Love ya!

Chris & Jamie said...

Oh Mom! I love you and think you are such a great example to our family. You are working sooo hard and I know it will pay off! Hang in there:)

ANeibaur said...

Glad to see you're still surviving! You can do it!

Jess Beach said...

Yay! A post from dear Mama, who has been meesing for oh too long! I think you're awesome and one of the smartest mamas I know...keep it up! And by "it" I mean your stress levels! ;)

Jake and Megan said...

We are so glad you came out to visit us last week! I loved just sitting around chatting. Thanks for coming out! Hang in there. We love you and are so proud of you.

Jenna said...

I admire you Aunt Janice!! You're an inspiration. Kory has been accepted into the Social Work program up here, but there is no Master's program so we'll have to move in a couple of years. Know of any good schools? ;)