Monday, February 9, 2009

You Eat An Elephant One Bite At A Time!

I have to keep telling myself this when I am feeling overwhelmed which is MOST OF THE TIME!
Had another test in Human Sexuality today and I do NOT want to discuss it. The only thing I have to say is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Thanks! I feel much better!
Now to some fun things I did over the weekend. Hmmm Since I don't have a life and my brain is pretty much filled with other stuff it takes a while to process. Oh yah! It was last night at Jake's house. His birthday was Sat. and they invited the fam over for ice cream and cake. It was sooooo good! Thanks Megan! And we played on the Wii-Tennis and Bowling. As anyone who was there can testify, I need a BIGGER room to play in. But at least I have fun! It is so nice to get together and see everyone. The only ones who weren't there was Jamie's family. That's ok Jamie. We missed you but I ate your cake! Thanks! Better get to class! Love to all! Janice, Mom, and Grandma


Chris & Jamie said...

I'm sorry I missed it (Jake and Megan's that is) and thank you for having my cake for me!
I hope you know that I am so proud of you!

Jess Beach said...

I must say that I would never eat an elephant, even if it was one bite at a time. How would you even PREPARE an elephant? Ick, I am sickened; I shall eat some chicken alfredo goodness to clense myself.